Full Void

    • Systeme: PC, XBO, SWI

      Ups, da ging mir die Another World ähnelnde Perle glatt am Radar vorbei.... gleich mal einen Code angefragt :D

      It’s time to delve into the dystopian future as you fight your way through puzzles, obstacles blocking your path, and haunting AI, all to uncover the story that surrounds this broken, run-down society where only children are still free… but for how long?

      Full Void, the pixel-art cinematic puzzle platforming adventure, which recently saw its debut on PC, is today launching across Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles. In this despotic future, where AI is running amok and keeping humankind oppressed under their full tyranny, you will uncover the story of a young teenager who’s all alone in a hellish landscape.

      Your skills will be put to the test, and your courage put through its paces as you traverse gorgeous hand-drawn pixel environments, enjoy classic cinematic puzzler-platform gameplay with a modern twist, and discover innovative visual mechanics. Full Void is sure to appeal to hardcore gamers and casual audiences alike, and is very much a spiritual successor to the classic 90’s era cinematic platformers - Think back to Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, Heart Of Darkness and Prince Of Persia and you’re on the right track.

      In terms of graphics, although entirely 2D pixel art, Full Void also gives the feeling of a 3D world, with depth and the possibility of movement that sometimes goes beyond the sideways scrolling. Every scene is custom-built, with hand-crafted composition, animation and perspective.

      The OutOfTheBit team found that there’s very little on the market in terms of puzzle platformers that are suitable for kids and those more sensitive to some content. Although Full Void is set in a horror and thrilling atmosphere, it has no gore or explicit violence, making it suitable for the whole family to enjoy.

      DEVELOPER QUOTES: “After making fun arcade games such as Super Arcade Football and Super Arcade Racing, we really wanted to explore the puzzle platformer genre. With Full Void we wanted to tell a story and also convey a feeling to the player. It’s the feeling of helplessness and isolation many of us felt during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, and we tell this entire story without the use of words, except for a line of text on the very last screen of the game.”

      “The artistic value of Full Void was recognised by the recent double nomination to the Indie Cup UK ‘23 in the categories “Rising Star” and “Critics’ choice”. We’re humbled to be included in a lineup of such great games. It gives us confidence that we are on the right track!” - Ali Motisi, Lead Developer, Founder and Director of OutOfTheBit.

      “Each screen in Full Void could be considered a painting. Composition, light and every single element were polished to the smallest detail” - Miles Atkinson - Pixel Artist & Leonardo Halwart - Graphic Designer.

      - Environmental Storytelling;
      - Ability to hack machinery to solve puzzles;
      - Immersive and intense atmosphere;
      - Compelling, Amiga MOD sounds;
      - Original, hand-drawn pixel art;

      btw - zum Launch gibt es auf allen Systemen 20% Preisnachlass!

      Der beste Grund auf einen Berg zu steigen ist..... weil er da ist!

      James T. Kirk
    • Full Void neXGam Review / Test schrieb:

      Manchmal laufen einem eher durch Zufall Titel über den Weg, die man vorab gar nicht auf dem Radar hatte. So war es auch bei „Full Void“, welches durch seine Art und den Animationen an gute alte Tage in den frühen 1990´ ern erinnert.

      Meine Eindrücke zu "Full Void" sind online :)

      Der beste Grund auf einen Berg zu steigen ist..... weil er da ist!

      James T. Kirk
    • Danke fürs Review @Mistercinema, ich hatte Full Void überhaupt nicht auf dem Schirm :thumbup: Another World ist natürlich der Klassiker der Cinematic Platformer, leider ist das Spiel meiner Meinung nach nicht sonderlich gut gealtert. Ich habs voriges Jahr mal wieder (durch)gespielt, diesmal auf der Xbox, und im Grunde ist es nicht mehr als Richtungen bzw. Buttons im passenden Moment auszulösen. Dennoch, es hat meine Liebe fürs Genre begründet und damit für immer einen Stein im Brett ;)

      @Flat Eric Sehr gut, ich jetzt auch :D Ist die Retail-Version eigentlich Evercade-exklusiv?
      You can not imagine the immensity of the f*ck I do not give.

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    • Wer auf tolle AMIGA Sounds steht :)
      Gerade die beiden Letzteren 80´s Remix und der AMIGA Remix gefallen mir richtig gut!

      MOD Tracks from Full Void’s Original Soundtrack Now Available Celebrating the rich legacy of retro-gaming, OutOfTheBit releases all the tracks of the original soundtrack (OST) of Full Void, composed by Robyn Powell, in the cherished Amiga MOD format.

      OST LINK: OutOfTheBit Ltd

      This endeavour warmly invites the community to tweak, modify, and re-imagine the eerie tunes of Full Void, the recently released 2D cinematic puzzle platformer inspired by the classics of the genre. The Amiga MOD music format, with its distinctive 8-bit resolution samples and 4 audio channels, aligns seamlessly with the game’s pixel art aesthetic, bringing a nostalgic yet fresh vibe to the modern gaming scene.

      Ali Motisi, the artistic director of the project, reflects on this initiative, "The '80s and '90s gaming scene thrived on demos and hands-on creativity, fostering a vibrant community of enthusiasts. Releasing the MOD tracks of Full Void's soundtrack is our way of reaching out to this community, supporting the enduring spirit of innovation and shared creativity that defines it. We're excited to see how the community reimagines Robyn’s haunting compositions."

      Robyn Powell, whose musical journey was sparked by retro computer games, employed her vast music tracker knowledge to compose in the Amiga MOD format, lending Full Void an authentic and distinctive retro sound. Her compositions, inspired by classic sci-fi films, seamlessly accompany the players through the dystopian, machine-ruled landscapes of Full Void.

      Discussing the choice of Amiga MOD music, Powell shared, "The limitations of the format allow for further creativity where every note counts. It’s a fun and efficient format that reduces the overall size of the game, thus reducing the loading time. This, along with the unique sound it offers, made it the perfect choice for Full Void’s soundtrack.”

      Der beste Grund auf einen Berg zu steigen ist..... weil er da ist!

      James T. Kirk